Recent Mold Remediation Posts

Mold and Indoor Plants: Tips for Keeping Greenery Mold-Free

7/17/2024 (Permalink)

Indoor plants are a wonderful way to bring nature into your home, purify the air, and add a touch of tranquility to any room. However, with the benefits of indoor plants come the responsibility of maintaining them properly to prevent mold growth. Mold can thrive in the same moist, warm environments that help your plants grow. Here at SERVPRO®, we want to share some effective tips to keep your indoor plants mold-free and ensure your home remains fresh and inviting.

1. Choose the Right Plants

Certain plants are more prone to mold than others. Opt for plants that do not require constant moisture. Succulents, cacti, and other low-water plants are excellent choices. These plants are less likely to create the damp conditions that mold loves.

2. Use Proper Soil

Quality potting soil is essential for plant health and mold prevention. Use a well-draining soil mix that includes components like perlite or sand. These elements improve aeration and reduce the chances of waterlogging, which can lead to mold growth. Regularly check the soil's moisture level to ensure it isn't overly wet.

3. Watering Techniques

Overwatering is a common mistake that can lead to mold. Only water your plants when the top inch of soil feels dry. Be mindful of the specific watering needs of each plant, as they can vary significantly. Always use pots with drainage holes to allow excess water to escape.

4. Good Air Circulation

Proper air circulation helps prevent mold spores from settling and growing. Place your plants in areas with good airflow, such as near windows or in rooms with ceiling fans. Avoid overcrowding plants, as this can restrict airflow and create a humid microenvironment conducive to mold growth.

5. Clean and Prune Regularly

Regular maintenance of your plants is crucial. Remove dead leaves, stems, and any debris that may have fallen onto the soil. This not only keeps your plants healthy but also reduces the organic material that mold can feed on. Wipe down the leaves occasionally to remove dust and potential mold spores.

6. Monitor Humidity Levels

Mold thrives in high humidity. Use a hygrometer to monitor the humidity levels in your home. Ideally, indoor humidity should be kept between 30-50%. If the levels are higher, consider using a dehumidifier to reduce moisture in the air.

7. Proper Potting and Re-potting

Ensure that your plant pots are clean and sterile before use. When re-potting, check for any moldy or decaying roots and remove them. Always use fresh soil and a clean pot to prevent introducing mold spores to your plants.

8. Address Mold Immediately

If you notice mold on your plants or soil, act quickly. Remove the affected parts of the plant and scrape off the top layer of soil. You can also use a natural antifungal solution, like diluted neem oil, to treat the soil and plant.

By following these tips, you can enjoy the beauty of indoor plants without the worry of mold. At SERVPRO, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy home environment, and we are here to help with all your mold remediation needs. Keep your indoor garden vibrant and mold-free with these simple practices!

For more information on mold prevention and remediation, visit our website or contact your local SERVPRO professionals. We’re always here to help!

Wall Paper Mold: Hidden Dangers!

12/15/2018 (Permalink)

Wall Paper Mold is a big health concern. To get rid of the mold you must remove the wallpaper. First and foremost remove the wallpaper safely by wetting it with a wetting agent and water. But first wear a good cartridge-type respirator.

When removing mold behind wallpaper safely wet it first. Even if the wallpaper removes dry still wet it

A simple dust or particulate mask won't offer adequate protection. Also wear gloves and goggles, remember safety first. In a garden type sprayer add the wetting agent and water for easy application.

Using the sprayer to wet the wallpaper down will reduce the mold spores from becoming airborne. Even if the wallpaper removes dry still wet it first. Move slowly and deliberately so you don't stir up spores as you work.

Once the wallpaper is removed from the walls the next step is to wash the walls down with a water and bleach solution. This should remove the mold from the walls if it is just surface mold. If the walls are soft and spongy the mold may have penetrated deeper into the wall.

One way to tell if the walls are totally saturated with mold you can take a utility knife and cut a small square out of the wall and look at the back side of the square. If there is mold behind the wall then you should replace the walls. 

But the best option is going with the pros!

Give us a call at (954) 280-8282 or visit our website at

Follow us on Social media: SERVPRO Plantation



Reducing the Spread of Mold -Aventura, Biscayne Park, Boca Raton

12/11/2018 (Permalink)

Reducing the Spread of Mold Anywhere!

If you notice that mold has already started to grow, the remediation specialists from SERVPRO Plantation North will need to fix not only the water damage but also the mold problem. When your home floods, the subsequent water damage can lead to black mold growth if not remedied fairly quickly.  Before they arrive for water and mold cleanup, however, there are three steps you need to take, reducing the spread of mold.

Stop Moisture Causing Source to Reduce the Mold Growth 

One thing your situation does not need is more moisture or water flow to the area.  You may not be able to undo the damage that has already occurred, but you can prevent further damage by cutting water off at the source. Unless you know specifically where the leak is coming from, you should just turn the water off for that whole section of your home. 

Stop All Air Flow, Reducing the Spread of Mold

The first instinct of many homeowners when they have a moisture problem is to open up all the windows and doors and get air flow going through the house.  When mold is actually growing in a particular area, the concentration of spores in the air is higher. You want to keep that mold concentration contained as much as possible.

 If you have a black mold problem, however, this increased air flow just spreads the problem. You may start with mold in one room but it may grow into the hallway and surrounding areas. Shut air intake vents and turn the system off to prevent an epidemic of mold growth through your entire home.

Call The Professionals - SERVPRO Plantation

Mold cleanup is generally a job for the professionals, but you can make their job easier by keeping the black mold from spreading into other areas of your home. By shutting off the air flow and the water supply, you can help keep the problem contained. 

Give us a call at (954) 280-8282 or visit our website at

Follow us on Social media: SERVPRO Plantation



Yacht and Boat Mold Air Effects 2018

10/31/2018 (Permalink)

Here at SERVPRO of Plantation, we love boats and yachts.

But we don't just love watching them, we also love getting to work on them to make them as beautiful as can be. Many people don't realize that due to the extreme conditions under which boats and yachts operate, the air quality on board can become contaminated with hazardous mold or bacteria. In fact, the EPA estimates that indoor air pollution, such as that on board a boat or yacht, can reach up to 100 times as contaminated as the air pollution outside!

Symptoms of possible mold in air:

  • irritation of the eyes, skin, and nose while on board
  • agitation of pre-existing conditions such as allergies or asthma
  • sore throat
  • headaches and dizziness,
  • or nausea and fatigue associated with the presence of a musty odor

If you or any of your guests experience these symptoms while on board, give SERVPRO of Plantation a call so we can get to work remediating the problem. The long-term exposure to poor yacht air quality can result in severe health effects if left untreated.

Fortunately, SERVPRO of Plantation has the qualified professionals to improve your yacht air quality.

If you own or insure a boat or yacht (or have a friend or family member who does) and you suspect that the air quality of the vessel may be in need of an inspection, give the yacht air quality and mold remediation specialists at SERVPRO of Plantation a call.

Give us a call at (954) 280-8282 or visit our website at

Follow us on Social media: SERVPRO Plantation



2018 Mold Remediation Process: How it's Done

10/12/2018 (Permalink)

If your are in need of mold remediation services call SERVPRO

Give us a call at (954) 280-8282 or visit our website at

How do we know where there's mold? How do we get rid of it? Who else do I need to hire? Well, we're going to share with you today the complete step-by-step mold remediation process.

Step 1: Determining Mold

A third party mold inspector will need to come in and determine that there is, in fact, a mold problem, and the extent of the mold problem. You can either find one yourself, or call us for someone we recommend. The reason we cannot do the mold inspection ourselves is because of a Florida state law that protects the homeowner from being swindled by seedier remediation companies. If another company tells you they can do it themselves, in the state of Florida, it is a crime.

Step 2: Containment

Once a mold inspection has been done, we start mold containment procedures to help prevent the spread of harmful mold and mold spores while cleanup is taking place. We set up what is known as "air scrubbers" to clean the air of possible contaminates in the quarantined area while the job is being done.

Step 3: Mold Cleanup and Total Mold Remediation Process

After containment is set up, the cleaning can begin. Depending on the amount of mold present, our team may need to do little more than antifungal/antimicrobial treatments; or, in some cases, gut out drywall and flooring in order to eliminate mold colonies altogether.

Although you will need to hire a general contractor to replace any of the structure that needed to be removed, "restorable" items, such as curtains and furniture, can be thoroughly cleaned, sanitized, and deodorize by our specialists.

We'll work closely with property managers and/or insurance companies to ensure the mold situation is handled as quickly as possible with as little hassle as possible. While we here at SERVPRO Plantation hope you won't be in need of our services, should the need arise, we'll be there to make it "Like it never even happened."

Give us a call at (954) 280-8282 or visit our website at

Follow us on Social media: SERVPRO Plantation



Using Chemicals on Mold?

10/2/2018 (Permalink)


Lets get this straight first! 

As soon as you notice a presence of mold, call SERVPRO Plantation at (954) 280-8282 24/7 for immediate assessment. Our qualified technicians have the tools and training to identify the severity of the problem and can best inform you where to go from there. Remember, faster to your disaster, SERVPRO Plantation will make it "Like it never even happened."


You clean your bathroom with it, disinfect household items with it, when diluted properly, you can even use it to clean things like toys or dental retainers. So why wouldn't you use it for something as harmful as mold? Well, when mold appears on walls and ceilings in your home it's likely already formed on the inside of those structures from water events, like a pipe leaking, or excessive humidity. Because of the chemical composition of bleach, it won't do an effective job of permeating into where the mold is living. The particles of the bleach are simply too large to penetrate most surfaces. So even if you "clean up" the mold and can no longer see it, it can still be lurking and pose a health threat to you and your family.

It's not uncommon for people to think dumping bleach on areas affected by mold will solve the problem without needing to call in professional help. This could not be farther from the truth. 

Dead mold is still dangerous

Even if bleaching completely kills all the mold in an area of your home, it can still be dangerous. While dead mold can no longer grow, these "non-viable" mold spores can still be hazardous to your health, particularly to people with allergies, asthma, or people that are immune-compromised such as the elderly.

So what can you do?

Be on the lookout for these signs of mold:

  • strong musty odors
  • evidence of moisture
  • excessive humidity
  • visible mold

Give us a call at (954) 280-8282 or visit our website at

Follow us on Social media: SERVPRO Plantation



Mold Safety Tips: Be Aware of the Basics

9/25/2018 (Permalink)

Mold Safety Tips

If you find mold in your home you may ask yourself, "how dangerous is the mold and what precautions should I take?" There are many questions when it comes to mold, so take a moment and learn about mold safety and removal.

What is Mold?

Molds are fungi. There are over 100,000 different types of mold, and they come in a wide variety of colors including black, green, orange, and white.

Molds reproduce by producing spores. These spores are tiny and float through the air, often into your home. If spores land somewhere dark, moist, and warm, they might grow until they form a visible mold colony. Mold will not grow without moisture, so to prevent mold keep your home dry.

Mold Toxicity and Mold Safety

Most molds are not known to cause infection in healthy adults. However, scientists only have good information for a few number of molds, and people’s reactions to mold vary greatly. There are people who are more susceptible to illness from mold than others. Overall, mold’s effect on humans is still little understood, so all molds should be treated as if they are toxic. Mold-induced illness can affect the respiratory system, throat, eyes, and skin. Wearing protective gear (goggles, mask, gloves) is recommended whenever you clean mold.  In which case, many people may not have the appropriate gear or knowledge to handle it.  Therefore, it is recommended to reach out to a professional for handling mold remediation.

Our Recommendation

We strongly recommend hiring a professional mold removal service like SERVPRO for your mold clean-up needs.  A professional will have the right equipment, will be familiar with common types of mold and their dangers, and know how to handle the situation.  It is even better to use a professional's service because at times if you try to handle the mold yourself it can either come back anyway or spread to even more parts of the house.. 

SOURCE: Maids By Trade

Give us a call at (954) 280-8282 or visit our website at

Follow us on Social media: SERVPRO Plantation



5 Mold Myths Debunked with Mold Fact

12/14/2017 (Permalink)

With mold, what you can't see can be very dangerous.

There are a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings about mold in Plantation. Today, SERVPRO of Plantation are going to debunk the old mold myth with some mold fact!

Mold Myth:

I can just get rid of mold with bleach.

Mold Fact:

Not true! Although some types of mold can be killed with bleach alone, not all of them can. And what's worse? When a structure has visible mold, there is often more mold where you can't see- and where you can't get to it with household cleaners.

Mold Myth:

Painting over visible mold will take care of the issue.

Mold Fact:

Wrong! Even if you use an antimicrobial paint, mold can still grow and cause the new paint to peel. Get rid of the mold before painting.

Mold Myth:

The only safe level of mold is no mold at all.

Mold Fact:

Nope, wrong again. While high levels of mold in the air can be hazardous to one's health, it's impossible for a space to be completely free of mold. Very low levels of mold are okay.

Mold Myth:

If I kill the mold with fungicides, it's completely safe.

Mold Fact:

Not quite. Killing mold is a good start to prevent it from spreading, but even dead mold can be potentially harmful. The only way to be sure mold isn't a threat to you is to call in a professional to have it properly removed.

Mold Myth:

I'm not immune-compromised, so I can live with mold.

Mold Fact:

No way! Even though people that are immune-compromised such as the elderly are more vulnerable to the hazards of mold, it can effect anyone. If there's mold in your home, contact SERVPRO Plantation right away.

When it comes to mold, it's important to know the facts. SERVPRO of Plantation is here to help and are always ready to make any mold problem "Like it never even happened."

Killing VS Removing Mold: Proper Mold Remediation

12/11/2017 (Permalink)

Mold spores are microscopic. Visible mold is actually a colony of hundreds of tiny spores.

So you may be thinking "I have mold, why don't I just spray it with chemicals like bleach or fungicides? That'll take care of it, right?" The answer: "No way!" There's a big difference in killing VS removing mold- and it could impact your health!

Working in South Florida, SERVPRO of Plantation has seen a lot of mold. In most places, and especially in the sunshine state, no building will ever have zero traces of mold in the air. But when mold occurs in high amounts, that's when it poses a hazard to you and your family or employees' health.

Killing VS Removing Mold- Why can't I kill it?

First of all, if you have visible mold in your home or business, it's likely already inside the walls of the structure and other hard to get to places. If you can manage to get something to where the mold is to kill it, that only stops it from growing. The health risks from airborne particles are still present and cannot be removed without our professional equipment.

So how do I get rid of it?

Call  your friendly neighborhood SERVPRO, of course!

When you call SERVPRO of Plantation for a mold problem, our trained professionals will not just kill the mold, remove the mold to the IICRC standards.

Once all the visible mold is removed, everything is wiped down with a powerful, but pet and child safe antimicrobial to stop the spread of mold we can't see. On top of all that, we also set up containment and air scrubbers to clean the air and stop the spread of mold to other areas of the structure.

When we're all done we even have a third party mold testing specialist come in to check and make sure the mold levels are safe and up to code.

SERVPRO of Plantation is looking out for you. Faster to any size disaster, we'll make it "Like it never even happened."

Your Yacht's Air Quality and What It Means To You

10/21/2017 (Permalink)

On a yacht, air quality is often overlooked.

Here at SERVPRO of Plantation, we love boats and yachts.

But we don't just love watching them, we also love getting to work on them to make them as beautiful as can be. Many people don't realize that due to the extreme conditions under which boats and yachts operate, the air quality on board can become contaminated with hazardous mold or bacteria. In fact, the EPA estimates that indoor air pollution, such as that on board a boat or yacht, can reach up to 100 times as contaminated as the air pollution outside!

Symptoms of poor yacht air quality can include:

  • irritation of the eyes, skin, and nose while on board
  • agitation of pre-existing conditions such as allergies or asthma
  • sore throat
  • headaches and dizziness,
  • or nausea and fatigue associated with the presence of a musty odor

If you or any of your guests experience these symptoms while on board, give SERVPRO of Plantation a call so we can get to work remediating the problem. The long term exposure to poor yacht air quality can result in severe health effects if left untreated.

Fortunately, SERVPRO of Plantation has the qualified professionals to improve your yacht air quality.

If you own or insure a boat or yacht (or have a friend or family member who does) and you suspect that the air quality of the vessel may be in need of an inspection, give theyacht air quality and mold remediation specialists at SERVPRO of Plantation a call.

Mold Remediation Process: How We Do It

10/10/2017 (Permalink)

Our tools allow us to find mold you didn't even know was there!

If your are in need of mold remediation services from SERVPRO of Plantation, you may be wondering how we do it. How do we know where there's mold? How do we get rid of it? Who else do I need to hire? Well, we're going to share with you today the complete step-by-step mold remediation process.

Step 1: Determining Mold

A third party mold inspector will need to come in and determine that there is, in fact, a mold problem, and the extent of the mold problem. You can either find one yourself, or call us for someone we recommend. The reason we cannot do the mold inspection ourselves is because of a Florida state law that protects the homeowner from being swindled by seedier remediation companies. If another company tells you they can do it themselves, in the state of Florida, it is a crime.

Step 2: Containment

Once a mold inspection has been done, we start mold containment procedures to help prevent the spread of harmful mold and mold spores while cleanup is taking place. We set up what is known as "air scrubbers" to clean the air of possible contaminates in the quarantined area while the job is being done.

Step 3: Mold Cleanup and Total Mold Remediation Process

After containment is set up, the cleaning can begin. Depending on the amount of mold present, our team may need to do little more than antifungal/antimicrobial treatments; or, in some cases, gut out drywall and flooring in order to eliminate mold colonies altogether.

Although you will need to hire a general contractor to replace any of the structure that needed to be removed, "restorable" items, such as curtains and furniture, can be thoroughly cleaned, sanitized, and deodorize by our specialists.

We'll work closely with property managers and/or insurance companies to ensure the mold situation is handled as quickly as possible with as little hassle as possible. While we here at SERVPRO of Plantation hope you won't be in need of our services, should the need arise, we'll be there to make it "Like it never even happened."

Mold Prevention: What You Can Do

10/3/2017 (Permalink)

Mold often forms on perishable foods, so check and toss old food regularly.

Mold is everywhere- in the air, the water, the dirt, and even in the foods we eat. Molds and fungi can be beneficial to humans in a number of ways, but some molds that can form in buildings can be a huge health hazard. In south Florida, it's impossible to be completely mold-free, but this mold prevention guide will show you what you can do to ensure mold never becomes a threat to you or your family.

Clean air-

Indoors, be sure your air conditioning it set to a low enough temperature to always be ventilating all the rooms in your house, and constantly filtering any mold spores and other particles out of the air. Investing in a good quality air filter, and changing it regularly can help prevent the growth of mold.

Clean home-

Another key to mold prevention is to keep a clean house- inside and out. Clean thoroughly and regularly to prevent mold from forming in the first place or sticking around.

When choosing cleaning supplies, aim to pick a cleaner that is pet and child safe, but also makes the claim of eliminating mold and mold spores. Any messes involving water or other liquids should be cleaned thoroughly with these agents as soon as you notice them.

If  a water leak is a recurring problem (like a leaky fridge or AC unit), seek out professional help in repairing the problem, and then call SERVPRO Plantation (or to find your local SERVPRO call 1-800-SERVPRO) to check the inside of your walls and floors for mold. There can be dangerous mold hiding out in your walls without you even knowing!

Be on the lookout for these signs of a mold presence in your household:

  • small black dots on surfaces
  • strong musty odors
  • any evidence of past moisture problems (discoloration, warped floors or walls, etc)
  • excessive humidity

Mold prevention in South Florida is necessary to keep your family healthy, so make sure you do all you can to prevent mold before it becomes a problem. And should you ever need mold remediation services SERVPRO Plantation will make it "like it never even happened."

Bleach and Mold- What Your Should Know

10/3/2017 (Permalink)

Don't try to clean up mold yourself- call SERVPRO Plantation today!

It's not uncommon for people to think dumping bleach on areas affected by mold will solve the problem without needing to call in professional help. This could not be farther from the truth. Let's take a look at why you shouldn't try to clean up mold yourself with household bleach.


You clean your bathroom with it, disinfect household items with it, when diluted properly, you can even use it to clean things like toys or dental retainers. So why wouldn't you use it for something as harmful as mold? Well, when mold appears on walls and ceilings in your home it's likely already formed on the inside of those structures from water events, like a pipe leaking, or excessive humidity. Because of the chemical composition of bleach, it won't do an effective job of permeating into where the mold is living. The particles of the bleach are simply too large to penetrate most surfaces. So even if you "clean up" the mold and can no longer see it, it can still be lurking and pose a health threat to you and your family.

Dead mold is still dangerous

Even if bleaching completely kills all the mold in an area of your home, it can still be dangerous. While dead mold can no longer grow, these "non-viable" mold spores can still be hazardous to your health, particularly to people with allergies, asthma, or people that are immune-compromised such as the elderly.

So what can you do?

Be on the lookout for these signs of mold:

  • strong musty odors
  • evidence of moisture
  • excessive humidity
  • visible mold

As soon as you notice a presence of mold, call SERVPRO Plantation at 954-733-1006 24/7 (or for your local SERVPRO call 1-800-SERVPRO) for immediate assessment. Our qualified technicians have the tools and training to identify the severity of the problem and can best inform you where to go from there. Remember, faster to your disaster, SERVPRO Plantation will make it "Like it never even happened."

Surprise! Mold is Everywhere!

7/26/2016 (Permalink)

Think your home is pristine? There is no way mold can be infesting your sanctuary, right? Think again. Mold may be hiding within your residence. Mold problems can occur anywhere if conditions are ideal for growth, and some portions of your home may be home to mold, as well. You may try to maintain a clean environment, constantly dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, organizing, and doing a thorough cleaning of your property, but you may have missed a spot…or a few. For example, your washing machine may be a hot spot for mold. Check the door of the washing machine, inside the gasket. Dark, warm, moist areas are ideal for mold growth. Make sure to wipe under the door gasket after each wash to prevent mold growth. Also leave the door open to air-out the washing machine.

Protecting Your Home

7/13/2016 (Permalink)

  Anyone can rip out contaminated drywall. Doing it in a safe manner that is compliant with standards, rules and regulations - now that is a different story.

   Make sure your remediation contractor is certified and knowledgeable about the safe remediation of your home. Otherwise, the contractor could do more harm than good. Airborne contaminants multiply many times over, when contaminated building materials are removed. This could cause damage to unaffected areas, and unnecessary exposure to building occupants. Your contractor should make use of negative air to manage airflow from clean areas to dirty work-zone areas, and the work-zone areas should be contained / separated from unaffected areas.

   It may cost a little more to hire a qualified contractor, but and ounce of prevention is worth many pounds of cure.

Whether its water damage, fire damage, mold damage or even biohazard remediation, small scale or a large loss, you can rely on SERVPRO of Plantation's qualified Mold,  Fire and water damage specialists to give you peace of mind knowing we'll arrive faster to your disaster and make it "Like it never even happened". Call us anytime at 954-733-1006

Mold Issues?

7/11/2016 (Permalink)

Mold may be good for blue cheese, but not for your home! We utilize state of the art equipment such as thermal imaging cameras and laser particle counters, as well as non-intrusive moisture meters to determine where water and mold damage are occurring. This inspection can determine if the issue is simple to correct or if additional testing is required by an Independent Mold Assessor.  Living in South Florida hurricane season rain can cause water intrusion in your home, leading to the growth of mold. When mold and humidity combine with organic material (such as dry wall or wood) mold can become a major health risk.  As a homeowner or business owner, you can help avoid suffering these health risks by taking advantage of SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale Norths complementary inspection.

If you keep asking yourself "Why do I breathe better when I leave my home or place of business?" Let SERVPRO of Plantation answer that question. 

Whether its water damage, fire damage, mold damage or even biohazard remediation, small scale or a large loss, you can rely on SERVPRO of Plantation's qualified Mold,  Fire and water damage specialists to give you peace of mind knowing we'll arrive faster to your disaster and make it "Like it never even happened". Call us anytime at 954-733-1006